Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Photos from the classroom

Here's some pictures of us teaching. Week one was a challenge - big classes, small rooms, several students to a computer and lots of power cuts. But we're hoping we rose to the challenge!

Week two was much easier. Some of us taught in St. Pauls school, a lovely school with 26 computers in a huge lab. And others taught in the Camara hub in Fort Portal town centre.

Our first morning heading out to teach. Little did we know we were about to turn up to huge classes and many power outages. The innocence of us!

Sinead teaching Impress presentations in Celak school, Kasese.

St, Paul's Secondary School, Fort Portal. 26 PCs & electricity! Our favourite classroom!

Bairbre teaching Karate?!.... no, trying to teach spreadsheets on the blackboard during another power outage.

Karate class becomes dance class

Sinead impressing with Impress.

Grace teaching - on a Mac?!

blank monitors....no power...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bairbre and all, Its great to see all your photos, keep them coming! Its really interesting to see how you guys are getting on. Cant wait to head off to Kenya (1st august).
